NAR Configuration

The following shows the possible tags in the NAR configuration section:






    ... same as for <cpp>

    ... same as for <cpp>



The Architecture for which we produce the native library. Examples are i386, x86, ppc, ppc64, etc... Default is the system property os.arch.


The Operating System for which we produce the native library. Examples are Windows, Linux, MacOSX, SunOS, ... Default is derived from, without spaces and in the case of Windows generalized.


The location of the Java installation. Default is derived from the system property java.home, corrected for MacOSX.


The Architecture-OS-Linker qualifier. Default is composed from the arch, os and value.


Directory with NAR related resources. Used by the nar-resources goal, which copies resources over to the target area. Defaults to $basedir/src/nar/resources.


Directory with binaries, relative to $resourceDirectory. Defaults to bin.


Directory with includes, relative to $resourceDirectory. Defaults to include.


Directory with libraries, relative to $resourceDirectory. Defaults to lib.


Specifies the maximum number or Cores/CPUs to use for compilation. If set to 0 it will use all the Cores/CPUs available.


Directory for all NAR related output. Defaults to "$" for "compile" goal Defaults to "$" for "compile-test" goal


Name of the output. Default is $project.artifactId-$project.version.


Fail on compilation/linking error. Default is true.


Sets the type of runtime library, possible values "dynamic", "static". Default is dynamic.


Set use of libtool. If set to true, the "libtool " will be prepended to the command line for compatible compilers/linkers. Default is false.


Section to specify what type or libraries to create. For each library you may specify:

The type of the library: shared, static, jni, plugin, executable. Default is shared.
Specifies if the stdc++ library should be linked with. Default is true.
Specifies if the fortran library should be linked with. Default is false.
If specified a NarSystem class will be generated in this package and added to the main jar artifact. The NarSystem class contains the following methods:
  • loadLibrary() - which will load the artifact-version JNI library.
    Specifies the NarSystem class. Defaults to NarSystem.
    Specifies the NarSystem source directory. Defaults to target/nar/nar-generated.
    If true will run this executable (only if type is executable).
    List of arguments to be provided to executable.


Section to specify which test executables should be created. For each test you may specify:

Name of the executable.
Type of linking to be used: shared or static. Default is shared.
If true will run this test
List of arguments to be provided to test.


Section to specify parameters for the linker.

linker name

The Linker. Some choices are: "msvc", "g++", "CC", "icpc", ... Default is Architecture OS specific.

linker incremental

Enables incremental linking. Default is false.

linker map

Enables the production of a map file. Default is false.

linker options

Additional options for the linker. Defaults to AOL specific values.

linker clearDefaultOptions

Clear options specified in AOL properties.

linker libs

Adds libraries to the linker. For each lib you have to specify:

Name of the library, or a dependency groupId:artifactId if this library contains sublibraries
Type of linking for this library. Default is shared.
Location for this library.

linker sysLibs

Adds system libraries to the linker. For each syslib you have to specify:

Name of the system library
Type of linking for this system library. Default is shared.


Section to specify parameters for the c++ compiler.

cpp name

The name of the compiler. Some choices are: "msvc", "g++", "gcc", "CC", "cc", "icc", "icpc", ... Default is AOL specific.

cpp sourceDirectory

Source directory for native files

cpp includes

Include patterns for sources, relative to sourceDirectory in "ant" style.

cpp excludes

Exclude patterns for sources, relative to sourceDirectory in "ant" style.

cpp debug

Compile with debug information. Default is false.

cpp exceptions

Enables generation of exception handling code. Default is true.

cpp rtti

Enables run-time type information. Default is true.

cpp optimize

Sets optimization. Possible choices are: "none", "size", "minimal", "speed", "full", "aggressive", "extreme", "unsafe". Default is none.

cpp multiThreaded

Enables or disables generation of multithreaded code. Default value: false, except on Windows.

cpp defines

Additional list of defines.

cpp clearDefaultDefines

Clear the defines specified in AOL properties.

cpp undefines

Additional list of undefines.

cpp clearDefaultUndefines

Clear undefines specified in AOL properties.

cpp includePaths

Include Paths, relative to $baseDir. Defaults to "$sourceDirectory/include"

cpp systemIncludePaths

System Include Paths, which are added at the end of all include paths

cpp options

Additional options for the C++ compiler. Some of these options can be set by specific tags (debug, rtti, ...). Defaults to AOL specific values.

cpp clearDefaultOptions

Clear options specified in AOL properties.


Same definitions as for <cpp>


Same definitions as for <cpp>


Section to specify parameters for java

java include

Add Java includes to includepath. Default is false.

java includePaths

List of Java Include Paths, relative to javaHome. Defaults to: "javaHome/include" and "javaHome/include/os-specific".

java link

Add Java Runtime to linker. Default is false.

java runtimeDirectory

Relative path from javaHome to the java runtime to link with. Defaults to AOL specific value.

java runtime

Name of the runtime. Default is jvm.


Section to specify parameters for javah

javah name

Javah command to run.

javah bootClassPaths

List of boot class paths. By default none.

javah classPaths

List of classpaths. By default the classDirectory directory is included and all dependent classes.

javah jniDirectory

The target directory into which to generate the output.

javah classDirectory

The class directory to scan for class files with native interfaces.

javah includes

The set of files/patterns to include, relative to classDirectory/sourceDirectory. Defaults to "**/*.class"

javah excludes

A list of exclusion filters, relative to classDirectory/sourceDirectory. Defaults to none.